Josh Parrett's

With over 11 years of professional design & development work, pushing cutting-edge technologies and working across numerous startups owning product development. I am a passionate engineer, designer and leader, dedicating my free time to all things Typescript, NodeJS, React and Serverless; whilst working on a number of Node/React personal, commercial and professional projects at a large scale.

I am incredibly keen on following and setting standards whilst maintaining the bigger picture and staying on a tight target. Striving for organised programming, clean code and innovative approaches to tasks. I'm a dedicated team player with an amazing ability and ambition to solve problems and develop performant features with exceptional attention to detail.


Thursday // Senior Engineer

September 2022 - Present
React NativeExpoXcodeTypescriptJestreact-queryReduxNotion

Working to refactor and re-architect the company's staple iOS and Android applications, my primary role has included removing large amounts of code debt in replacement for typescript based modern technologies and methodologies.

Specter // Lead Platform Engineer

January 2022 - September 2022
ReactRemix RunTypescriptReact-QuerySupabasePrisma

Employed as a solo technical lead on the company's first bespoke platform, I was tasked with UX/UI design and development of a greenfield platform in the investment space. Using advanced full-stack techniques to grow the platform from the ground up. Enhancing my skills with the likes of Prisma, Remix, and the Vercel serverless deployment architecture.

Thursday // Senior Engineer

September 2021 - January 2022
React NativeExpoXcode TypescriptJestreact-queryReduxNotion

Working alongside a small tight-knit team, developing core features of the company's staple iOS and Android applications whilst undertaking a large-scale re-architecture using advanced React Native techniques. Responsible for implementing unit & integration testing, linting and deployment pipelines via the Gitlab CI.

Procensus // Javascript Engineer & UI/UX Designer

January 2021 - September 2021

Primarily joining the team to overhaul and redesign the existing frontend architecture, migrating an existing Angular/React hybrid application to NextJS with key focuses on server side rendering, high test coverage and a refreshed user interface. Tasked with migrating existing features/pages, setting and documenting a standard for the development approach and determining appropriate technologies, along with visually redesigning the entire platform from the ground up single handedly. My role has been heavily involved in the agile process, defining epic specifications and documenting implementation detail at the subtask level. Along with providing detailed code reviews and ensuring amazing code quality amongst the team.

Beatchain // Senior Fullstack Javascript Developer

July 2019 - October 2019
ReactReact NativeReact Native WebExpoES6,Node,GraphQLApollo ClientServerlessAWSNetlify

At Duco our team has worked to migrate an existing complex Backbone platform to React. With my personal tasks including the development of a query builder interface and a natural-rule-language tool, giving users the ability to construct bespoke queries via the user interface using complex recursive rendering. Joining at the inception of the team, I have helped to define standards and grow the team. Setting strict testing thresholds and type checking. While adhering to monthly release cycles and defining agile methodologies. // Senior Javascript Engineer

October 2019 - January 2021
ReactTypescriptJestreact-testing-libraryGraphQLApollo ClientJira

At Beatchain my role entailed single handedly developing our core products react-native application from the ground up, supporting iOS and Android. Whilst also introducing a NodeJS GraphQL/Apollo Server lambda service for handling data requests, updates and caching. Whilst also created the products shared component library, built using react-native-web, storybook and the apollo client, allowing for cross platform components, shared client-side logic and reusable graphql queries.

Rota // Fullstack Javascript Developer

March 2019 - July 2019
ReactReact NativeReduxExpoES6NodeGraphQLApollo ClientServerlessAWS

My role at Rota involved building features across backend NodeJS micro services and React/React Native frontend applications. Using Redux for application state. Whilst managing deployments and system architecture using AWS.

Rawnet ONE // Senior Javascript Product Developer

2017 - 2019
ReactReact NativeReduxObjective CES6NodeJson Api,GraphQLApollo ClientServerlessAWS

My role involved React/React Native development on the company's first Greenfield product. Producing innovative ideas around peer-to-peer and application architecture. Working with a rails based JSON API, and a NodeJS based GraphQL interface. Whilst engaging in a strict Agile workflow. Growing a Javascript team from the ground up, producing standards, and pursuing the most cutting edge technologies. Inclusive of React/GraphQL and NodeJS Driving the company to API driven/GraphQL React/React Native applications. Working with Redux and Flux for application state management, and the Apollo Client for GraphQL queries.

Rawnet Ltd // Frontend Developer

2014 - 2017
HTML5CSS3Javascript (ES6)ReactReact NativeRailsPHPNodeGulpGruntBEMSASSSCSS

Crafting bespoke UI web solutions. Integrating with the Concrete 5 CMS and numerous Rails API’s.

Heath Wallace // Apprentice Web Developer

2012 - 2014

Working as a Front-end developer integrating bespoke UI into a sitecore CMS for clients such as HSBC and Holden Leasing.

Other Skills

Advanced Github version controlAdobe SuiteGraphQLApollo Clientreact-queryExpressGatsbyVercelNextJSRemix RunJiraTrelloSlackReduxFluxFlowRecomposeReselectServerlessAWSMaterial UITCP/UDP peer networkingblockchain knowledgeSwiftSwiftUIApp store deploymentsPanda CSSPrismaIllustratorPhotoshopFigma

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